Freshener Fresh lemon
Make your car, wardrobe or room smell good with an aromatic air freshener! This freshener is made with a lemon essential oil. The aroma is moderately sweet. |
Size of the freshener: height 5cm, diameter 2cm. Size of the box: height 8,5cm, width 2,5cm. |
Contains essential oil and herbal emulsifier. The bottle is frosted, which provides additional protection in sunny weather. Screwable wooden cap on top. |
Freshener is packed in a thin cardboard box. Your entire order will be packed in an additional box. |
Look up the instructions here: HOW TO USE PRODUCTS. |
Want to send as a gift? Click HERE. |
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Customer reviews
1 review
Jekaterina, 6 May, 2024
Intensīva un svaiga smarža, patīkams dizains un ļoti skaists iepakojums. Ļoti ērti, ka netiek izmantota plastmasa iepakojumā, izņemot puļķīti. Ērti glabāt mašīnā un nevajag nekādus papildu rīkus, lai attaisītu kastīti, kas ir ļoti pozitīvi, jo lielākajā daļā atsvaidzinātāju tā ir problēma, ja nav šķēru.